Friday, March 04, 2005


Love is the foundation and motivation for everything the wife does in the family. Matured, Christian love is however not always emotional. There are times you have to love and your emotion is not involved in it. Therefore you do what you ought to do by the will. As a wife do you remember how you went into the kitchen to cook even though your emotion did not feel like doing so? Sometimes you do keep quiet as a matter of will when emotion tells you to talk orargue when there is an atmosphere of trouble. Determination will prevent you from taking advantage of your quiet spouse who probably is not as aggressive as you are. You will keep quiet and give your spouse the privilege, the honour of thinking through the situation before giving you the answer. If you do that, there will be mighty blessings upon your life and family.

Divinely implanted love manifests through the will even when feelings may seem negative. The love of a parent towards his/her children is not always on the basis of emotion. The caring, feeding, cleaning, watching over them, teaching and enduring for them, training, fellowshipping and praying with them is done in the realm of will and determination. The good Lord expects this primary love from the wife towards husband and husband towards wife to endure. If this love is lacking, all the other love they profess to have towards outsiders and the unreached world would amount to nothing.

Sometimes, women ask me this question, “What if my husband is an unbeliever? Because we got married before I became a Christian, shall I rebel against him?” (1 Pet 3:1) answers the question and it says, “Wives, likewise be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they without a word may be won by the conduct of their wives.” Do not forget that we are saved by grace and not by merit. If you are saved and your husband is not saved, that alone should make you humble. Even if your husband does not obey the word, you are not the judge of your husband. Of course that is not an excuse for the unbeliever husband to be mean to the wife and children.

You are not to quote scriptures against your husband. Do not criticize or cut him down to pieces, because that will not help your family but will surely destroy it. What to do is just to live your Christian life, to submit to godly life and marriage ordinances, so that by your lifestyle, the man will see the grace of God working mightily in you. (1 Pet 3:2-4) “when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. Do not let your adornment be merelyoutward – arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” Your husband will see the hidden man of the heart, your chaste conversation, the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit in your life. You must not talk to your husband the same way you talk to your children or the way you talk to your subordinates at work. You cannot assume a commanding position over your husband. Apostle Paul says the ornament of meekness, gentleness and quietness is of great price in the sight of God.

To be continued…


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