Friday, January 28, 2005

Introduction please…

When I go into any chat room, intro please always pops up from the other party. By this, it starts me thinking who I am or what I want them to know. The truthfulness of things sometimes depends on how true we want the relation to be from the beginning. The foundation of every relationship starts from the beginning, likewise for most things in life. We can choose to cheat a little, just to gain acceptance. But eventually only the truth will set us free, that is something I have gathered and learnt preciously. I guess human beings always try to cheat sometimes to have belonging. That’s where superficiality comes in, every one of us have gone there. But then ask ourselves, how many of us can really afford it at most time? We all fall into this trap before.

The word “belonging” has been with us since the day we were born. I was having a discussion with an acquaintance I met during my business trip in Nigeria. We were exchanging views on business ideas; he came to share with me about people and belonging. Example, one would wear a replica / fake branded watch just to have the feel of belonging. Or worst one would just pay for the real one which they cannot truly afford, other then sacrificing other priority to fulfill their lust. By cheating yourself to cheat the world, don’t you find it amusing sometimes!

Does the word arrogance come into play here? “Arrogance is ego plus ignorance”; I read this from a book. Competing with the Jones, how long have it been happening and still going on. Has education made us stupid? Are we robbing away our supposed wisdom? Or do we choose to be simply ignorant? I have gone down that road couple of times and regretted those decisions. Well it did make me wiser and brought me down to earth. I have then reminded myself constantly to use my wisdom through knowledge, and to take calculated risk. To remember that stupidity kills, but can we afford it?

It’s tough trying to balance our desires and needs. To be responsible to ourselves and others is how we can overcome stupidity. Life is a big learning curve we all know, only with courage and wisdom can we finish the journey peacefully. Never let ignorance run our life, only way to overcome ignorance is by acquiring more knowledge. I have learnt to humble myself by many mistakes made. I believe there will be more failures and mistakes to come, just hoping that it would be less painful the next time round.

Food for thought;

Look at yourself in the mirror stark naked, do you like what you see? If you are truly happy with what you see, then the truth will set us free!

Cheers and God bless!


Blogger Sandy said...

Yes it is true... many a time, we do put on something we are not just for acceptance, to protect ourselves or merely just to blend in... But truth indeed sets us free... The most difficult period is just at that crossroad, that moment of decision - to abide by the truth and be free or to paint a picture of pretence for temporal refuge...

GOD says 'My Grace is suffucient for you" and "My mercy endures forever"... Thank GOD for His Promises we, though fallible can gain forgiveness and reconciliation with Him... In Him, we gain courage to be ourselves :)

6:45 PM  

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